
Sunday, 2 June 2019

My biggest fear

I was at a hen party this weekend and one of the games we played was 'truth or lie'; a lighthearted game where you are asked a question, you answer and everyone votes whether you were answering truthfully, or not.

I was asked what my biggest fear was. I made something up because the truth would have put a real downer on the mood.

My biggest fear is that my son will outlive us.

I've been told that it's likely he won't. Adults with learning difficulties have a lower life expectancy due to medical conditions not being picked up. Also his epilepsy could worsen as he gets older and be life threatening and he may develop scoliosis which would impact on his breathing. Of course, with his difficulties eating he could also aspirate and choke.

Cheery - and that's not my greatest fear. I mean that is pretty bad. If/when we can't care for him at home ourselves it's likely he will have to go elsewhere and that's when the odds start stacking up against him.

But the thought of outliving Seth is what really starts to get the panic growing in the pit of my stomach. With the latest reports of abuse in care homes being back in the news, it brings into sharp focus how vulnerable Seth is - with his biggest advocates gone who will be there for him, protecting him and loving him?

Yeah, I answered 'bees' to the question.